CSST Bonding red tag.

Started by danv, October 22, 2014, 06:29:41 PM

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I read the previous thread but wanted some clarification

Situation. I have a 1" black iron pipe installed from outside gas meter to indoor manifold in furnace room. Tracc pipe is used as takeoffs from manifold to individual appliance. I have a ground on the 1" black iron pipe to water supply copper ground. Enbridge came and red tagged saying CSST needs to be bonded.

Wouldn't the bond at the start of the manifold be a common ground for the CSST as the both are tied into each other? Are they implying that every individual Traccpipe appliance needs to be bonded?


Unlike Gastite, there is no upstream bonding requirement in the Tracpipe Installation Guide.  They do manufacture Counterstrike, which I've always thought was a way to avoid upstream bonding of CSST, just like Gastite makes FlashShield and Wardflex makes Wardflex II.

Secondly, it sounds like your bonding is between the gas meter and any CSST, so you have bonded downstream of the gas meter, and upstream of any CSST.  Gastite has recently released a Technical Bulletin which states that with Gastite, additional upstream bonding of CSST is no longer required.

The Tracpipe manual states,

QuoteThe TracPipe® gas piping system shall be bonded in accordance with these instructions, the Canadian Electrical Code and the Canadian B149.1 Code.

There is nothing in the above documents that requires additional bonding.

I have heard of inspectors who wanted all individual CSST runs bonded, but this is incorrect in my opinion.  The Gastite and Wardflex manuals clearly state that a SINGLE bond connection is required.  The confusion with the Tracpipe manual is there is nothing mentioned about installing additional bonding in the manual, but it does state,

QuoteUnlike TracPipe®, there are no additional bonding requirements for Counterstrike® imposed by the manufacturer's installation instructions. However, Counterstrike® is to be bonded in accordance with the Canadian Electrical Code (C22.1) Section 10-406(4) in the same manner as the minimum requirements for copper water piping.

I would call Tracpipe, 1-800-671-8622, and tell them you have a single bond connection installed downstream of the gas meter and upstream of the CSST.  Ask them if any additional bonding is required.  Let me know how things workout.

UPDATE:  I was curious so I called Ed at the Tracpipe technical desk.  He said a single bond connection anywhere on the gas piping system is sufficient and no additional bonding of Tracpipe is required.

You should contact the Enbridge supervisor and dispute the rejection.


Thanks for the answer and for looking into it. I will keep you informed of the results.