Labour Mobility

Started by Admin, December 19, 2009, 05:44:04 PM

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What is labour mobility? Labour mobility allows an individual certified for a specific occupation in one province or territory to be recognized for the same or matched certification in another province or territory without additional material training, experience, examinations or assessments. Encouraging recognition of matched certification across Canada benefits both workers and employers alike.

Matched Certificates / Non-Matched Equivalency
If certification from another jurisdiction has been deemed a match in the province of Ontario, TSSA will request that applicants fill out an application for certification as well as submit to non-material examinations.

TSSA will also honour a specific combination of certificates in some circumstances, where exact matches do not exist. Under such conditions, TSSA will request that applicants fill out an application for certification as well as submit to non-material examinations.

Please see the following table of matched certificates and non-matched equivalency:

Fuels Matched Certificates/Non-Matched Equivalency

Application for Certification
Applicants from matched provinces or non-matched equivalency may apply for Ontario certification by the following steps:

A.  Fill out an application for certification with TSSA: Application for Certification

B.  Provide TSSA with proof of valid and current certification issued by a matched jurisdiction or regulatory authority (a copy of the certificate must be submitted with the application).

C.  Provide TSSA with payment in the amount of $301 (Processing Fee $126; Certification $100; Provincial Knowledge Examination $75).

D.  Once the above requirements are met, the applicant will be required to take a provincial knowledge examination on Ontario's Acts and Regulations and must pass with a minimum of 75%. For further information  on the provincial knowledge examination, or to schedule an examination appointment, contact TSSA's Customer Contact Centre toll-free at 1-877-682-8772.

E.  Upon successful completion of the examination and confirmation of matched qualification(s), the applicant will receive the applicable TSSA certificate via mail, authorizing the applicant in said profession to work in the province of Ontario.

F.  An applicant who did not meet the 75% requirement regarding the provincial knowledge exam may re-write the examination no sooner than 30 days after the previous sitting, and will be allowed up to two     examination re-writes if required. If the applicant fails the examination on three successive attempts, the applicant shall successfully complete a program approved by the Director of TSSA's Fuels Safety Program. Please see Policies and Procedures for Gas Technician – Oil Burner Technician

Note: Once a person is certified in Ontario, he/she is required to abide by the same post-certification requirements as all Ontario certified persons. For example, Ontario may require certificate holders to participate in specific continuing education programs to renew their certificate with Ontario. If implemented, this will apply to both new and existing certificate holders in the province of Ontario.

Labour mobility does allow TSSA to maintain additional certification requirements for workers already certified elsewhere in Canada, if the requirements are deemed necessary to ensure the public is protected. Exceptions supported by the Ontario government will be posted on the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities website at

If a province has concerns regarding standards in another jurisdiction, the government may support an exception to full labour mobility. However, exceptions may be challenged. Challenge procedures may be found on the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities website at

Related Links
-Comprehensive List of Matched/Non-Matched Certificates
-Non-Matched Out of Province Certificate Assessment
-Government of Ontario – Labour Mobility