HRV vs ERV in GTA climate

Started by flash21, October 29, 2019, 04:34:27 PM

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I was wondering what is your opinion about HRV vs ERV in the GTA climate

I know that in the past the more or less general rule was HRV for cold climate and ERV for warm partly because ERV core freezing issues. But now these freezing problems are fixed in most modern units and more people advice to put ERV in cold climate too.

We don't use AC too much during the summer, but during winter we do use humidifier

As far as I see it HRV is generally more efficient, it is also less expansive. ERV on the other hand maybe could eliminate the need for humidifier ?


I've seen some good prices on ERV's lately.

There are some benefits to an ERV.  No drain line, more efficient and require fewer defrost cycles.

The NRC did a study in Ottawa by testing one home using a HRV and another home using a ERV.  They found the ERV was 10% more efficient.

They claim an ERV eliminates the need for a humidifier.


Thanks very interesting reading

I'm also leaning towards ERV because I'm hopping to get rid of the humidifier, but I was always under impression that ERV are less efficient and not more efficient

I'm thinking about Vanee Unit 90H-V-ECM ERV so I compared it to its twin brother HRV model. At least on the paper the ERV model consumes a bit more power and its a bit less efficient in heat recovery.

I also don't think I agree (but of course i'm not a professional and I understand that there is a good chance I'm wrong) about energy saving because of the defrost. In this model and in many others I saw the defrost is actually based on the temperature of incoming air. So this model will  run the defrost for the same amount of time for both HRV and ERV