Director's Advisory - FS-132-08 - Pipe Entry Below Grade

Started by Admin, July 28, 2008, 04:25:12 PM

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Download Director's Advisory FS-132-08 - Here

QuoteThe CSA B149.1-05 Natural Gas and Propane Code requires in clause 6.15.8 that "piping or tubing entering a building shall rise above grade before entry, unless otherwise permitted by the authority having jurisdiction. Clause 6.15.9 further states that "a watertight seal shall be provided at any point where piping or tubing passes through an outside wall below ground level."
TSSA acknowledges that the safety intent of clauses 6.15.8 and 6.15.9 is to address gas leaks from the pipe that may travel along the outside of the pipe and enter a building. The provision set out by clause 6.15.8 is not meant to prevent piping from entering below grade. It is permissible for piping to enter below grade provided that it rises above grade before entering the building. Any gas leak would follow the piping aboveground and safely dissipate through the atmosphere. Clause 6.15.9 supports this allowance by ensuring that a proper seal is provided when piping passes through an outside wall below ground level.
It is advised that the rise for gas piping or tubing entering a building below grade shall be located as close as possible to the building.


Clause (6.15.8)
Piping or tubing entering a building shall rise above grade before entry, unless otherwise permitted by the authority having jurisdiction.

Clause (6.15.9)
A watertight seal shall be provided at any point where piping or tubing passes through an outside wall below ground level.

Clause (6.16.7)
When piping or tubing passes through an exterior wall above ground, it shall be sealed watertight and the portion of piping or tubing that runs through the wall shall be sleeved or double wrapped with a waterproof wrap.

Clause (6.16.8)
When piping or tubing passes through an interior wall of masonry or concrete, the portion of piping or tubing that runs through the wall shall be sleeved or double wrapped with a waterproof wrap.